Check out These Hilariously Funny Yard Signs

Published on February 2, 2022
Have you ever driven down the road in your neighborhood and did a double-take when you saw a funny sign? Sometimes, they are instantly hilarious, and you chuckle and move on with your day. However, others make you stop and think because they’re so odd or slightly confusing.

It’s fun to see these signs pop up, but they’re few and far between for most people. Now, you don’t have to wait until you come across one. This list shows 40 hilarious yard signs that people put out to make life more interesting and are sure to bring a smile to your face every time you see them.

Grass Is Dreaming

Instead of other signs that order you to keep off the grass, this one asks you to respect the relaxation and rest of the plants. Their grass is dreaming peacefully, and you don’t want to ruin it by stomping around, causing them nightmares!

1. Grass Is Dreaming

Grass Is Dreaming

No Soliciting

Some people think that a “no soliciting” sign just doesn’t cut it. People still come knocking to get you to do things you don’t want to do. These homeowners decided to get an ultra-tall sign with a very clear message. Hopefully, that worked for them!

2. No Soliciting

No Soliciting


Help a Cat Stop Smoking

It’s pretty gross to put out your cigarettes into someone’s yard or throw out the butts in anything but a trash can. However, these homeowners didn’t get angry when people littered. They found humor in the situation and put it on a sign.

3. Help A Cat Stop Smoking

Help A Cat Stop Smoking


No Pooping

These people aren’t playing, and they don’t want neighbor’s dog poop on the lawn. Though some might let things slide if it was infrequently,  they show everyone that the neighbors are accountable and give out a warning of what might happen to them!

4. No Pooping

No Pooping


Not Haunted

Before buying a house, it’s crucial to know if it’s haunted. You don’t want to be part of a horror film while living your life. One real estate agent chose to put potential buyers’ fears at rest by including the “not haunted” hanger under the sign.

5. Not Haunted

Not Haunted


Yard Sale

Some people enjoy browsing yard sales, knowing that the items aren’t likely to be the best quality. However, these homeowners changed things up by leaning into the unpolished aspect of their items.

6. Yard Sale

Yard Sale


No Smoking

Though smoking is a nasty habit, some people just can’t quit. Thankfully, the neighbors want to help those in the vicinity kick smoking for good. Don’t light up around them if you don’t want to get wet!

7. No Smoking

No Smoking


Missing Keys

Initially, people think this sign is focused on the missing cat, but then it starts becoming an advertisement! After dissing the cat’s lack of tricks and weight, the sign poster then says it’s free to anyone who brings back his car keys!

8. Missing Keys

Missing Keys


Love Notes

Love notes can be adorable unless they don’t go to the intended person. This man thought he put a love note on his wife’s car, but she never received it. Therefore, he had to apologize to the whole neighborhood so that they didn’t think he was creepy.

9. Love Notes

Love Notes


Dangerous Turtle

This sign raises many questions instead of giving answers. For example, is the turtle sneaking around town with nunchucks? He’s probably not in a rush, but how does the owner know that his pet is coming home at some point?

10. Dangerous Turtle

Dangerous Turtle


Challenge Accepted

Everything about this particular sign was bound to be a fail. For one, the irony is dumbfounding; it clearly reads no signs on the yard, but then someone went ahead and put one there. It was probably a neighbor who had a grudge against them.

11. Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted


It’s So Big

Why do people bother with normal yard sale signs? No one can see them! This year, it’s about creating versions that make the sale stand out. That way, everyone knows and can come to look at great finds. This one made the cut!

12. It's So Big

It’s So Big


Take My Ex’s Things

Yard sales are often a way for homeowners to get rid of the things they no longer need. It’s been done forever, but this seller took the sentiment seriously. She even goes so far as to say that the ex and the items must go.

13. Take My Ex's Things

Take My Ex’s Things


Nothing Happened

Most signs are designed to send messages to others, convey information, or mark special occasions. However, one homeowner decided the yard sign rule didn’t apply and put up this hilarious one.

14. Nothing Happened

Nothing Happened


Garage Thale

Did someone forget how to spell? We don’t think that’s the case. If you want the best knockout prices, it’s best to go to that person’s yard sale. It’s on point, simple, and great for encouraging drivers to get “thome” “thuff.”

15. Garage Thale

Garage Thale


Not for Sale

While the sign is confusing at first, it does get clear that the seller is using reverse psychology as its tactic. How else can you convince someone to buy a building than to tell them that it’s unavailable, so they can’t?

16. Not For Sale

Not For Sale


For Lease Navidad

Putting up your “for lease” sign doesn’t automatically mean you can’t have Christmas spirit. One property owner created one that played on the phrase, “Feliz Navidad.” Now, people know he’s not a grinch, and he advertised the space.

17. For Lease Navidad

For Lease Navidad


Desperate Times

Honesty is definitely the best policy, but some homeowners took it to the extreme with their yard sale signs. While they might have things you want, they’re probably desperate to get rid of all their stuff.

18. Desperate Times

Desperate Times


Sexy Brown Grass

Some people can’t keep their lawns alive. Instead of feeling guilty about it, one homeowner made the most of the situation. Brown grass must be sexy because the sign says so. Hopefully, the neighbors embrace the trend and keep it going!

19. Sexy Brown Grass

Sexy Brown Grass


Don’t Call 911

This sign got posted because horse owners were dealing with concerned citizens. Though it’s great that people cared about the safety and health of the horses, the animals might not like police sirens while they nap!

20. Don't Call 911

Don’t Call 911


Your Move

Some neighbors are great, and others aren’t so much. What might you think about these people, though? The level of pettiness is concerning, but the sign and all the flamingos are hilariously funny.

21. Your Move

Your Move


Parrot BBQ

It feels like more than a coincidence that these two signs were placed so close to each other. One person is searching for a lost parrot, and the other is planning a feast. Overall, the parrot owner probably didn’t find their pet!

22. Parrot BBQ

Parrot BBQ


Quoting God

Give your yard signs some authority by quoting God. No one can argue with him, and that’s why the church did it. Whether people listened to the threat or not, it’s an amusing way to get more visitors to the church!

23. Quoting God

Quoting God


You Have a Chance

Once something’s on the lawn, it’s clear you don’t need it. However, one person felt their exercise machine required some explanation. The impulse buy didn’t provide the results they wanted, so they were giving it away for free to someone who might use it.

24. You Have A Chance

You Have A Chance


Cheating Husband

Be prepared to get blasted if you’re caught cheating. This wife took it to a new level by announcing her husband’s indiscretions to the whole neighborhood. Then, she even went so far as to name the women he cheated on her with!

25. Cheating Husband

Cheating Husband


Over the Hillville

It’s clear an older person lives here. Instead of denying their age, they’re embracing it. The birthday cakes are banned, and people are warned of an achy person coming outside. Now, the neighbors know to give them a break if they’re slow crossing the street!

26. Over The Hillville

Over The Hillville


Free Beer

Some people think of clever advertisements for their yard sales, but one homeowner knew exactly what others needed to stop by his. Even if you don’t like garage sales, you’re sure to appreciate free beer. This guy must be a marketing guru.

27. Free Beer

Free Beer


It Died

Many people have a green thumb and can grow just about anything. However, others try and try to no avail, ending up with dead and shriveled plants. This yard sign is necessary for those folks!

28. It Died

It Died


Grandpa Finally Died

Ouch! That’s certainly one way to approach your garage sale. You might have lost your family member, but that’s no reason to be upset. He’s finally gone, so you can earn some money by selling his things. That’s a little hurtful.

29. Grandpa Finally Died

Grandpa Finally Died


Exotic Herbs

Whoever made this sign has the right idea. If you’re notorious for having weeds in the yard, don’t even admit that’s what they are. Instead, you can rebrand them to be exotic herbs. No one will ever know the difference!

30. Exotic Herbs

Exotic Herbs


Killing Me

Many people get off work after a long day and say their feet are killing them. While they aren’t actually dying, it might feel like that. One clever sign-maker decided to use the play on words to tell others that walking on the plants kills them. Smart!

31. Killing Me

Killing Me



This sign is telling people to beware of something, but it’s covered up. If you want to scare your family and friends as they come to your house, that should do it. Who knows what’s out there? It could be bears, lions, tigers, or anything else!

32. Beware



Wet Our Plants

Do you love spring? Even if you do, it’s probably not as much as these sign buyers. While it’s a play on words, it’s hilarious that someone could think that up and then post it in their yard for everyone to see.

33. Wet Our Plants

Wet Our Plants


Stealing Plants

Who steals plants? Apparently, one person had a huge problem with it. Instead of tracking them down, this plant owner chose a different approach. They guilted the thief so that they might stop!

34. Stealing Plants

Stealing Plants


Fought the Lawn

It’s very hard for some people to maintain their lawns. In some cases, they just give up altogether instead of fighting their weeds and trying to keep things watered. This person decided to own up to his inabilities!

35. Fought The Lawn

Fought The Lawn


Seeds Are Trying

A seed is like a baby; it needs plenty of attention, patience, and time while it grows. This yard sign reminds people of that and asks for peace on behalf of the seeds. They’re trying, so just give them a break!

36. Seeds Are Trying

Seeds Are Trying


Wishful Thinking

Gardening isn’t as easy as it appears. One person decided to give others advice on what to do. Really, it’s about hoping that the plants grow. Sure, you need soil and water, but the rest is up to the finicky plant!

37. Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking


Selling the Look

Anyone who saw this yard sale sign was likely to make a detour to see what it was all about. Even if you’re not into guys, it’s still quite interesting, right? Who could ever resist something like that?

38. Selling The Look

Selling The Look


Not to Brag

Right now, the entire world is focused on staying healthy and taking extreme measures to do it. However, washing your hands is often neglected. One homeowner wanted everyone to know that they had been doing it for a while. Let them brag!

39. Not To Brag

Not To Brag


Jail Sale

The person who put out this sign was probably going to jail for a long time and knew they didn’t need their possessions. They’d likely get tossed anyway. Instead, try to sell everything and get the cash to use for a lawyer or something!

40. Jail Sale

Jail Sale