Check Out These Fascinating Government Classified Photos

Published on July 16, 2020

Not Really Searching For The Titanic

When the U.S. Navy set out on a search that most believed was to look for the remains of the RMS Titanic, what the public didn’t realize was that the expedition was actually intended for looking for sunken ships USS Thresher and USS Scorpion. The fact that they found the Titanic was a happy accident and perfect cover story.

Not Really Searching For The Titanic

Not Really Searching For The Titanic

Sputnik Knowledge

In 1957, United States citizens were shocked to discover that the Soviet Union launched a satellite, called Sputnik, into space, marking the first major event in the Space Race. However, the United States government knew about the Sputnik plan, potentially even all the way back in 1955.

Sputnik Knowledge

Sputnik Knowledge