Could It Be A Real UFO?
Once these photos became declassified by the CIA, the UFO ones were the first to be viewed by the public. None of the photos came with an explanation so no one really knows if this is, in fact, a UFO.

Could It Be A Real UFO?
Giant Telescope In China
This peculiar looking structure is in fact, the world’s biggest telescope, and it was built in China. It’s so powerful that it can detect all kinds of radio signals. It can allegedly detect signals that are thousands of light-years away.

Giant Telescope In China
Top Secret Facility
This photo may not be top-secret anymore, but this facility surely is. The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is the biggest secret facility on American soil. Due to its highly-classified nature, only officials with the highest security clearance can enter it.

Top Secret Facility
9/11 Destruction
This image clearly depicts the damage caused to the Pentagon building on 9/11. Before the attack, the Pentagon looked nothing like this. This photo was never released before so the American public have never seen the actual damage caused.

9/11 Destruction
An Official Account
According to a redacted letter, in 1963, the government of America encountered a UFO in Nevada. Although you can’t read everything that was written, some could interpret it in a way that suggests that aliens exist. However, there is still no official evidence or proof.

An Official Account
Osama Bin Laden’s Family
By looking at this photo you can see that Bin Laden was an ordinary family man. Other than his extreme and rather radical views, he was pretty normal. Here he was snapped on vacation with his huge family in Germany.

Osama Bin Laden’s Family
Family On The Moon
Charlie Duke was one of the men that landed on the moon. To prove that he did indeed walk on the moon, he left a photograph of him and his family there. However, no one knows if that photo is still there.

Family On The Moon
Relaxing Day By The Pool
This photo needs some explanation as you wouldn’t expect to see fully clothed people in a pool ordinarily. Apparently, this is part of the astronauts’ training because they need to know how to land in the water. Putting a hard day’s work.

Relaxing Day By The Pool
Bunker In North Dakota
This bunker in North Dakota is used to measure seismic waves as well as the weather. Although it looks pretty freaky, it’s nothing but a weather station of sorts. It’s been said, that it was once used as a national missile defense system.

Bunker In North Dakota
Could It Be?
Seems like there may be a conspiracy theory here! Everyone knows that WWII ended because Hitler took his own life, but why was an older looking Hitler photographed in Argentina? Could that really be him? Guess we might never know for sure.

Could It Be?
Mount Rushmore
This photo depicts the first draft of Mount Rushmore. It included the presidents’ torsos and not just their heads and shoulders. It seems they thought that it would be too much to include their half-bodies and decided on just the shoulders.

Mount Rushmore
Sneaky Bunker Or Not?
Somewhere in a forest in Virginia, you can see this structure that looks very much like a bunker. It looks like someone wants whoever, or whatever is inside to remain hidden and secret. There’s no denying that it’s pretty sneaky looking.

Sneaky Bunker Or Not?
Taking A Leisurely Stroll
Here you see Pablo Escobar posing with his son in Washington DC. When this photo was taken, he was on America’s “Most Wanted Criminals” list. It seems bizarre that he was able to get so close to the White House and not be apprehended.

Taking A Leisurely Stroll
Bonnie And Clyde
In this photo, you can see what Bonnie and Clyde’s car looked like after their encounter with the police. In May 1934, they were gunned by police. It is evident that their encounter was not an amicable one and many shots were fired.

Bonnie And Clyde
The Queen Of England In The Military
When you see Queen Elizabeth now she looks like a little old lady, that’s meek and mild. In this photo, we see that she was, in fact, quite a tough woman. She served in the military for the English government.

The Queen Of England In The Military
Top Secret Nuclear Bomb
This was the first nuclear bomb in America. This was known as The Trinity Project, and it took place in a New Mexico desert, in 1945. At the time, the American public had no idea that this is what was being built.

Top Secret Nuclear Bomb
Operation Ivy Mike
Operation Ivy was a series of tests done by the United States in order to test nuclear explosions. THese took place in 1952 at Eniwetok Atoll, which are located in the Pacific Proving Ground on the Marshall Islands. The first shot was called ‘Mike’ and it became the first successful test of a thermonuclear weapon, more commonly known as the hydrogen bomb, while utilizing the Teller-Ulam design.

Operation Ivy Mike
Secret Tunnels Underground
During the Cold War, there were many bases built all over the US. They were known as strategic strike locations and were built in underground tunnels. According to the government, they are no longer in operation today. But who knows?

Secret Tunnels Underground
The Roswell Wreckage
This image shows the actual UFO crash site that occurred in Roswell. It’s not very clear what is not the photo, but for some reason, this case was seen as very iconic. Maybe there’s more information the government isn’t sharing?

The Roswell Wreckage
Nuclear Waste
This strange-looking door is where the US holds its nuclear waste. Because of its high toxicity levels, it has to be kept in an isolated area that’s not inhabited. This door seems to be strong enough to hold it all in there.

Nuclear Waste
Hauling A Questionable Load
There are many large trucks on the road that transport big, oddly shaped structures, but none as strange as this. The government was transporting this oversized load and it looks eerily like some kind of alien spaceship. What is it exactly?

Hauling A Questionable Load
First Bomb Dropped
This was the first bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki in 1945 and it was known as the “Fat Man.” The men who built it autographed its tail for some reason and it caused a lot of turmoil. Understandably so…

First Bomb Dropped
Area 51 Plane
The design of the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance airplane that was based at Area 51 was said to be the reason why UFO rumors surfaced. The plane was so futuristic looking that the people thought that the government was covering up was a UFO.

Area 51 Plane
Prisoner Of War
John McCain’s airplane was shot down by Vietnamese soldiers. It crash-landed in a body of water in Hanoi, Vietnam and this is when he became a prisoner of war. As he landed the soldiers rushed to apprehend him and take him hostage.

Prisoner Of War
Experimental Aircraft
The US Air Force built an experimental aircraft in Area 51. Once again, the shape of this aircraft raised suspicions of an alien spacecraft cover-up by the government. But it seems that wasn’t
the case.

Experimental Aircraft
Training For Pilots
Many, many years ago, pilots had to undergo vigorous training to get their flying licenses. This was part of their training. It was meant to help them battle fatigue, but it wasn’t effective at all. And it was scrapped in no time.

Training For Pilots
Secret Air Base
This secret airbase sits in the middle of the pacific ocean. Back in those days, people had no idea about secret bases and how big they were, here we can see that it was a massive base.

Secret Air Base
Crash Site
Could this be another UFO crash site? Yet another unidentified object crashed near Roswell and all that was left was unidentifiable debris. The fact that all documents regarding this photo were heavily redacted also points to it being a UFO crash site.

Crash Site
Lunch Time In Character
Back in the day, the actors that played the part of a Disney character would interact with the public in their costumes. This snapshot is one where you see Snow White, Goofy, and other characters getting their lunch in a cafeteria.

Lunch Time In Character
Hanging Out With Your Baby
This insane 1920s invention was called the Portable Baby Cage. People felt it was difficult raising kids if you lived in a tall apartment building. So this was a way to keep them entertained and getting fresh air. Thank goodness it was scrapped.

Hanging Out With Your Baby
Another Spaceship?
An anonymous person was able to capture this shot of the military loading this unusually shaped structure onto a military truck. They claim that it was part of a weather balloon, but was it? No one will ever know…

Another Spaceship?
First Slide Design
As you can see in this image, the first slide was made of wood. It was also extremely long and had no side rails. Luckily, they didn’t stop there and finally came up with a design that works much better.

First Slide Design
New Meaning To ‘Heavy Duty’
The first deep-dive suit was originally made out of metal. The suit was made top-secret so that other countries wouldn’t be able to steal the design and make their own. Thankfully, scuba gear these days is much lighter and more comfortable.

New Meaning To ‘Heavy Duty
Travel By Ship
This US military ship was snapped transporting officials with the highest security clearance to their top-secret facility in the Arctic. This location was really in the middle of nowhere. It’s been said that this place was a popular base for spying on Russia.

Travel By Ship
Chemical Weapons Galore
If the American public had seen this photo back then, they would have panicked. That’s why the CIA decided to keep it classified. This was taken in a warehouse that stored chemical weapons left behind from the Cold War.

Chemical Weapons Galore
The Beginnings Of The Berlin Wall
On August 13th, 1961 the German Democratic Republic began building the Berlin Wall using only basic materials. It was a concrete barrier that was guarded as well in order to divide Berlin. It was then taken down in 1989.

The Beginnings Of The Berlin Wall
Questionable Moon Landing Imagery
In 1969 Neil Armstrong supposedly landed on the moon. This photo, however, makes it look a little fake. Looking at the lighting, it looks staged. This doesn’t necessarily help the moon landing conspiracy theory. Maybe they’re hiding something from the public?

Questionable Moon Landing Imagery
The “Fat Man” Strikes Again
Just days before this missile named “Fat Man” was dropped on Nagasaki this picture was taken. The technicians had to do final checks on it to make sure that everything was in order. Everything little thing needed to be inspected before being launched.

The “Fat Man” Strikes Again
A Top-Secret Project From 1794
The Air Force most certainly has the best-kept secrets in the entire military branch of the US. now this one is no longer a secret. This is the blueprint for a mysterious supersonic flying saucer. But it never came to fruition.

A Top Secret Project From 1974
German High-Speed Train
This is the Schienenzeppelin, Germany’s first high-speed train. It was quite an invention at the time. According to the Germans, it could travel up to 143 miles per hour. It’s not certain if it was used for the public or for secret missions.

German High Speed Train
Dictator Captured
The famous photo was taken the night that the horrific and infamous dictator Saddam Hussein was finally captured. This marked the end of his reign of terror. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the end of the problems in the Middle East.

Dictator Captured
What Were They Up To?
With so many images that have come to light coming from Area 51, one has to wonder, what were they up to? This is not the first futuristic secret plane that was seen in area 51. What were these planes used for?

What Were They Up To?
Innocent Casualties After Hiroshima
Many innocent people suffered greatly when the US attacked Hiroshima. Some have scars that will forever be a reminder of the horror they experienced. Photos like this were classified so the public doesn’t see the aftermath of the attack on innocent Japanese people.

Innocent Casualties After Hiroshima
Weapon Of Mass Destruction
We know that Fat Man was the nickname given to the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki. This one was known as Little Boy, and it was the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. This picture was taken just before it was sent off.

Weapon Of Mass Destruction
Humble Beginnings For Google
This photo was taken when Google had just started up. It consisted of a small group of employees working from a small office. Little did they know that it would soon become one of the world’s biggest and most successful companies.

Humble Beginnings For Google
Top Secret Research
Much research was done regarding UFO’s by the CIA to try and make sense of it. This diagram shows that they had either sighted a UFO up close and were recalling how it looked or they were imagining how it would look.

Top Secret Research
The First Prototype
If a plane was shot down during combat, how would the pilot escape? The government decided to include a feature in the plane where the seat can be ejected to save the pilot. This is a prototype of it.

The First Prototype
World’s Biggest Detonated Bomb
This is a picture when the Tsar Bomba was detonated in 1961. It is the world’s biggest detonated bomb recorded in history. Many bombs were detonated thereafter but none came close. But that’s one record that should never be broken for humanity’s sake.

World’s Biggest Detonated Bomb
Innocent Wildlife
War not only affected innocent people, but it affected innocent animals as well. Humans at least understand the threat that war brings but animals have no idea. Many lives were lost and many were permanently and horribly impacted by these wars.

Innocent Wildlife
Test Of Impact
The US government wanted to see the impact of a bomb on the population and created test dummies for this purpose. They would create a scene with these dummies and cars and then they’d test how a bomb would affect its surroundings.

Test Of Impact
The Few Who Survived
This photo was taken aboard the Titanic as people were evacuating the ship. These people getting into the life-boat were escaping the fate that many others succumbed to. It’s a very haunting image knowing the tragedy that unfolded that day.

The Few Who Survived
Trying To Leave Saigon
The war in Vietnam was awful and many civilians tried to escape. People were constantly trying to escape and this photo shows just that. In order to save themselves, people knew that they had to get away to find refuge somewhere else.

Trying To Leave Saigon
Living A Carefree Life
Jimi Hendrix was a famous singer and guitarist who people adored. He had more fans than he could’ve possibly dreamed of. Yet in 1970 he overdosed to death. This is one of the last pictures of him, which shows a carefree Jimi.

Living A Carefree Life
Constructing A Monumental Statue
This image is of the beginning stages of the construction of the Statue of Liberty. Construction began on October 28th in 1886 and took two years to complete. It was a gift from the French to the Americans commemorating their alliance.

Constructing A Monumental Statue
A Relatively Regular Guy
It’s hard to imagine someone who brought so much terror to the world being a regular guy. Here we see Osama Bin Laden before his reign of terror. He always had radical views but no one thought he’d rise to be so powerful.

A Relatively Regular Guy
All Terrain
This is a photo of the first all-terrain vehicle ever invented. It was built by Henry Ford who was already a pioneer in the automobile industry. This model was simply called Model T. It never really caught on though…

All Terrain
A German Carrier
Here’s a snapshot of the German passenger airship, Hindenburg. This was taken a year before it crashed in 1937, killing 36 out of the 97 passengers on board. It’s been said that the Hindenburg was a Nazi carrier, at one point.

A German Carrier
The Corsair Crash
The Vought F4U Corsair was touted as one the fastest planes in existence at the time. It was intended to have much glory due to its speed, and it took off from a Navy ship. Unfortunately, it would never live up to its potential, as it crash immediately upon takeoff.

The Corsair Crash
A Queen With A Mission
Queen Elizabeth is the only female member of the royal family to ever enter the armed forces. She may have been a mechanic and military truck driver in the army but she sure knows how to handle a weapon.

A Queen With A Mission
A Race To Win
After Nixon’s speech in 1972 where he approved the Space Shuttle Program, the Soviets decided the race was on to build the first spacecraft and send it to space. They build one in 1982 but when they tried to launch it in 1988 it failed.

A Race To Win
Area 51 Spaceship
Here we can see the unloading of a UFO object into a truck, which could potentially confirm strange events going on in Area 51. This UFO crashed but the reason was not determined, but some speculate that the device may have been used by the U.S. Air Force in order to test out weather equipment.

Area 51 Spaceship
Operation Highjump
The U.S. government has long been involved in numerous operations that aim to continue its stronghold. One of these was called “Operation Highjump” and it was meant to create a classified military research center located in the Arctic area. Here we see a U.S. Navy ship wedged between two icebergs.

Operation Highjump
Area 51 Highway
The highway along Area 51 is usually quite deserted, so this picture is quite the rarity. Here we see a government car transporting an object, though it is quite unclear what it is. Many believe it could be a UFO underneath the tarp.

Area 51 Highway
The Graf Zeppelin
In 1928, a German commercial plane called the Graf Zeppelin flew directly over Washington DC. Such as aircraft had not ever been seen in the United States before, causing many people to become frightened.

The Graf Zeppelin
Lunch On Set
Here we have a little seen snapshot from behind the scenes of filming from the early Star Wars film. The cast and crew were on lunch break, and we get a glimpse of the man behind the R2D2 costume just hanging out and enjoying a sandwich.

Lunch On Set
Freeing Germany
This photo was snapped in 1945 and depicts an American soldier who is taking down the Adolf Hitler Street sign and replacing it with one that says Roosevelt Boulevard in honor of America’s help in freeing the world of Hitler’s reign of terror.

Freeing Germany
Johnny Cash In Jail
Johnny Cash was not imprisoned himself but he did perform for those who were at the Folsom Prison. The performance was famously recorded and then sold as a very successful album.

Johnny Cash In Jail
Family Portrait On The Moon
This is a photo of a photo that astronaut Charlie Duke left behind on the moon. The picture is of his family, and he left it there when he was on the Apollo 16 mission.

Family Portrait On The Moon
Last Photo Of Titanic
This was the last photo of the Titanic before it tragically sank after hitting an iceberg in 1912. The ship’s remains were found in relatively good condition considering they were found in the depths of the ocean.

Last Photo Of Titanic
Millenium Falcon
Apparently, while filming Star Wars, actor Harrison Ford asked George Lucas how to drive the Millenium Falcon. Lucas gave him a lackluster response, but things worked out anyway and the movie went on to be one of the most successful of all time.

Millenium Falcon
Che And Castro
Here we see Che Guevara and Fidel Castro hanging out together and fishing on a boat in 1960. Guevara tried to gain control of Cuba after feeling that America was a colonialist force.

Che And Castro
Hiroshima 1945
Here we see a snapshot of Ground Zero of Hiroshima in 1945. You can see the total destruction that was caused, which is why the U.S. government tried to keep these images under control after the end of WWII.

Hiroshima 1945
Operation Paperclip
Something many people don’t know is that both Russia and the United States recruited former Nazi scientists in order to learn about Nazi Germany’s technology and weapons. This mission was named “Operation Paperclip.”

Operation Paperclip
Bigfoot Spotted?
Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, is a rumored to be bipedal mammal that lives in the Pacific Northwest wilderness. In 1976, the FBI examined hairs found in Oregon in order to figure out if they belonged to the legendary creature. However, in 2019 the investigation was declassified and the research was inconclusive.

Bigfoot Spotted?
Julia Child, The Secret Spy
We all know and love Julia Child for her famous French cooking and television show teaching us all about the culinary arts. However, after her death, it was revealed that she once worked in espionage at the Office of Strategic Services in 1942.

Julia Child, The Secret Spy
Project Iceworm
Obsessed with the idea of overtaking the Soviets, the US Government developed an underground state of the art nuclear-powered research plant in a tundra in Greenland.”Porject Iceworm” was the secret project that involved 2500 miles of underground tunnels used to cart around missiles.

Project Iceworm
“Borrowing” The Lunik
In 1967, the Soviets gave tours of their Sputnik and Lunik satellite models. However, they didn’t realize that US operatives stole the Lunik to harvest information on how it works and then put it back before the Soviets could notice. One of the operatives later wrote about it in a CIA journal.

“Borrowing” The Lunik
Not Really Searching For The Titanic
When the U.S. Navy set out on a search that most believed was to look for the remains of the RMS Titanic, what the public didn’t realize was that the expedition was actually intended for looking for sunken ships USS Thresher and USS Scorpion. The fact that they found the Titanic was a happy accident and perfect cover story.

Not Really Searching For The Titanic
Sputnik Knowledge
In 1957, United States citizens were shocked to discover that the Soviet Union launched a satellite, called Sputnik, into space, marking the first major event in the Space Race. However, the United States government knew about the Sputnik plan, potentially even all the way back in 1955.

Sputnik Knowledge
An Underrated War Hero
Stanislav Petrov was a Soviet Union solder who chose not to fire a nuclear missile when it looked like the U.S. had launched five missiles at his country. He thought it may be a false alarm and he turned out to be correct, narrowly avoiding a third world war. The records became declassified in 1998 and the world found out about his actions.

An Underrated War Hero