Famous Celebrities Who Went To Ivy League Schools

Published on May 2, 2018

Anna Paquin – Columbia University

Can we really blame someone as busy Anna Paquin for not finishing her studies? She made it into Columbia University, but then she made her way out with an “indefinite leave of absence”. She may have never finished her degree, but she definitely boosted herself into the world of acting.

Anna Paquin Columbia University

Anna Paquin Columbia University

Liev Schreiber – Yale

In 1992, Isaac Liev Shreiber graduated from Yale with a degree in drama. Since his days of studying drama, he has been a pivotal part in playing some of the best parts of our favorite movies and shows. Some examples include, X-Men and Ray Donovan.

Liev Schreiber Yale

Liev Schreiber Yale