The Most Surprising Facts About The Johnny Carson Show That Have Come To Light

Published on February 24, 2020

No Mingling With Guests

Carson was not exactly known for being a friendly guy, which meant he did not like to mingle with the guests on his show. He did not laugh at every one of his guests’ jokes, only ones he genuinely found amusing, and did not pretend to be enjoying himself when he wasn’t. He would even cut interviews short with guests he was not enjoying.

No Mingling With Guests

No Mingling With Guests

He Controlled Everything

In the 70’s, The Tonight Show was NBC’s most profitable show. It made between $50-60 million a year (equivalent to today’s $180-220 million). Whenever he did not get what he wanted, Carson would threaten to leave and join a different network.

He Threatened To Leave

He Controlled Everything