The Most Surprising Facts About The Johnny Carson Show That Have Come To Light

Published on February 24, 2020

The Final Stats

The amount of viewers that tuned in to watch the very last episode of The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson is truly staggering. Over 50 million viewers watched the last episode, which is much higher than even the amount of people who watched the Game of Thrones finale, which was at 19.3 million viewers.

Carson Severinsen

Carson Severinsen

His Favorite Watering Hole

Carson could frequently be found at a Manhattan bar called Jilly’s Saloon. The bar, which was located at West 52nd Street and Eighth Avenue, happened to be owned by a guy named Jilly Rizzo, who was a good friend of Frank Sinatra since the two were young boys.

His Favorite Watering Hole

His Favorite Watering Hole