Young Couple Go Viral After Big Transformation

Published on June 11, 2018

Loved For Who She Was

When the couple first met when they were just 16 years old, they knew that they were meant for each-other. Danny didn’t see Lexi’s weight as an issue, he saw her for who she was. Lexi said in an interview, “When Danny and I met at 16 years old, I weighed over 300lbs. He never knew me as any less and never asked me to change.”

Loved For Who She Was

Loved For Who She Was

Homemade Fastfood

One of the most difficult challenges for the Reeds was not eating out anymore. “For the first month, I didn’t eat out at all, I made everything and I don’t even like cooking, so I was constantly learning. I was cooking foods I enjoyed and taking foods that I had liked before and making healthy versions of those meals. I didn’t feel deprived and could still eat the foods I wanted.” Lexi was making “homemade fastfood”.

Homemade Fastfood

Homemade Fastfood