Why Old Man Never Moves Car While Neighbors Hear Noises

Published on February 6, 2022
No one in the neighborhood quite understood why the old man, John, refused to move his vehicle from the lawn. Rumors flew, and people wondered if he was hiding something.

Tensions rose so much that a few neighbors decided to do something about it. Without the police, they planned to remove the vehicle at night, but they were caught off guard when they heard odd noises and saw light underneath the car.

What could John have been doing? Clearly, he had a reason for not moving the car all that time, but what did the neighbors discover that fateful evening?!


The three men couldn’t believe what they heard. What was happening under this car? They glanced at each other and were fearful to check to see what was underneath. Old man John wasn’t a joke; they knew that for sure. However, they were too far in to turn around now!




They kneeled down to take a look, but there were few streetlights, and it was midnight. Therefore, they only saw darkness. However, they heard the strange noise again, and it was louder now. Two of the men wondered what to do, but then the third shouted and asked if anyone was there. What happened?!




A Proud Neighborhood

The neighborhood had people who took care of the lawns, houses, and cars. They wanted to have a specific appearance, but John’s car had been in his yard for a while, and it was an eyesore. It didn’t fit in with their standards and image, so something must be done!

A Proud Neighborhood

A Proud Neighborhood


John’s Car

The houses of the neighborhood were clean, and the gardens were in order. They wanted to be an upstanding community. Those who lived there worked hard and protected their haven; ultimately, John’s car was a sore thumb!

John's Car

John’s Car


Meet John

John was the oldest resident in the neighborhood and had been there before anyone else moved in to create that community. Everyone just called him the old man, but they didn’t know a lot about him. Though they thought he had a family, they had no idea for sure.

Meet John

Meet John


John’s Past

Yes, John had a wife, but she passed 15 years earlier, so he left the car as a tribute. He didn’t get out much and kept to himself. In fact, he rarely went outside and didn’t bother others. However, the neighbors had an issue with him.

John's Past

John’s Past


John’s House

John’s garden and house were in decent shape because the neighbors had pitched in to keep it looking good. They had an image to uphold, so they did the job for him. Plus, it already looked bad enough with the old car out front.

John's House

John’s House


No One Touch

John didn’t mind the neighbors helping with the garden, and it looked nice afterward. He also appreciated their help with the home. He had no issues because it made them happy, but there was that one thing no one could touch, and the neighborhood was tired of it.

No One Touch

No One Touch


The Old Car

The old blue car was parked outside John’s house and had been there as long as everyone could remember. The neighborhood hated it with a passion because it was ugly and worn down from the weather. Kids often threw rocks at it, and it didn’t belong.

The Old Car

The Old Car


The Perfect Community

It might not be bad if it was in a rundown, shady city. However, it was parked in a near-perfect neighborhood. The community did what they could to get him to remove it. Some even considered ideas to make John move so that he might take it with him.

The Perfect Community

The Perfect Community


Move Out

Some neighbors tried convincing John that the house was too big for a single person. A nicer family could then move in, allowing John to scale down. However, John refused to listen because of the memories this home held. He also said he wasn’t moving the car!

Move Out

Move Out



John’s argument was the memories, but there was something else. However, the community didn’t like it. They wanted that car removed, so they decided to call the police and get them involved. That way, he had to oblige and remove the eyesore!





The police were sent to the house to inspect the vehicle because the neighbors said it might be a hazard or danger to the community. Though they examined the car, it was no use. Overall, John explained the situation, saying he left it there for the memories.




Nothing Wrong

In a sense, the police couldn’t find a reason to make him remove the car, and nothing in the law was against him. Plus, the neighbors couldn’t think of a valid reason. Overall, they just didn’t like the way it looked, but no rules were broken, so the car stayed where it was.

Nothing Wrong

Nothing Wrong


Good People

The neighbors decided to ask nicely for John to move the car, but he held firm. Overall, the community knew they were good people and came to terms with the idea of having the car there no matter what. However, three fathers couldn’t let things go!

Good People 

Good People


Three Men

Those men were offended by John’s defiance. They thought he was being stubborn to have control and influence over the entire neighborhood. Therefore, they wanted to show him that he wasn’t in control, hatching a plan to turn things in their favor.

Three Men

Three Men


The Plan

One man rented a tow truck from a friend. They decided to go to the house at night and tow away the vehicle. It got the car out of their neighborhood, making everything happy. However, they had more ideas about what to do with the car afterward!

The Plan

The Plan



Once it was towed, they planned to destroy it at the scrapyard. The owner of the scrapyard was paid to keep quiet, so he’d keep their secret when the dads brought the vehicle to him. Everything was settled, and nothing could get tied back to the men.




The Big Day

Throughout the day, the dads watched John’s house in shifts. They had hoped he might leave for a bit to get groceries. However, John stayed inside, peeking out the windows infrequently as normal. John was inside when night fell.

The Big Day

The Big Day


Night Falls

As night finally came to the neighborhood, the men realized John was home, but they knew where he was. Overall, it was better to do it now while he slept inside instead of him popping up from nowhere. They started, but things didn’t go how they planned!

Night Falls

Night Falls


Waiting Impatiently

The dads met outside and waited for the tow truck to arrive. It was a risky strategy because their wives could get mad at them. They weren’t likely to get behind a plan where John had no idea his vehicle was destroyed. Therefore, they had to be careful.

Waiting Impatiently

Waiting Impatiently


Being Quiet

Everything started perfectly because most neighbors went to bed earlier than normal, so they were asleep by 9 p.m. The tow truck also arrived, so they became more confident. Still, they had to be fast, so no one saw them, and that depended on them staying quiet.

Being Quiet

Being Quiet


Tire Marks

The men got into the tow truck, all thinking the same thing. Since they were on a slope, it moved the vehicle in near silence. Finally, they were at the curb, being careful not to drive on John’s grass so as not to leave a trail that might raise questions later.

Tire Marks

Tire Marks


Hooking It Up

Once they had the truck in place, they hooked it to the car. It was easy, and things were better than they planned until it got complicated. While they started to back up with the tow truck, they realized that the car didn’t budge at all!

Hooking It Up

Hooking It Up


Held in Place

Though the vehicle was older, it should have been easier to lift it up and out. However, they wondered if something anchored it to the ground. After struggling with the lever, they realized they had to change their techniques to accomplish their task.

Held in Place

Held in Place


Checking the Wheels

Clearly, the old man was even more persistent than they knew. They got out of the tow truck and went to the old car. This time, they chose to inspect it closely. However, before they could do much, one man signaled for a pause!

Checking the Wheels

Checking the Wheels


What Was Happening

He’d heard a noise and didn’t know where it was. They all stood around, finally realizing that it was under the car. The men weren’t sure what to do. Could something be under the vehicle? What was it, and was it dangerous?!

What Was Happening

What Was Happening


Kneeling Down

The men looked at each other, nodded, and kneeled down simultaneously to see what the sound was under the rusted vehicle. However, they only saw darkness underneath. The streetlight didn’t do much to help, and their bodies blocked the rest of the light.

Kneeling Down

Kneeling Down


Louder Now

As the men stood up, they let out a sigh. While they had a flashlight, they knew that could invite the prying eyes of others. Then everyone would know they were trespassing. As they wondered what to do, the noise came again, but it was louder now!

Louder Now

Louder Now


Caught off Guard

These men were very tense while they tried to think of what to do. However, one man stepped closer and shouted, “Is anybody there?” The other two ran to him, hoping to keep him quiet. His voice was likely to carry and alert someone of their presence. Then, it happened.

Caught off Guard

Caught off Guard


Very Bright

These men were prepared to hear more noises from under the car, but something else happened that shocked them. There was a piercingly bright light that cut through the darkness. It was like a beam from under the car. Where was it coming from?!

Very Bright

Very Bright


Men Around the Car

The three dads tried to see the source of light but couldn’t make anything out. It was far too bright to look for long periods or to keep their eyes steady. Then, John’s house door opened, and the elderly neighbor was looking at his intruders dead on.

Men Around the Car

Men Around the Car


The Confrontation

John said nothing but signaled for them to go into his home. They did so hesitantly after grabbing the tow truck keys. Then, John looked out his blinds for a while as the bright light faded quickly. Was someone else sneaking a peek?!

The Confrontation

The Confrontation


Why They Went Inside

The men were now wary about being caught by the old man and being locked in his house. No one else knew what had happened. Did they make a mistake by trusting John? Then, he asked what they were doing to his car.

Why They Went Inside

Why They Went Inside


Different Area of the Home

Silence greeted John’s question as the men looked at each other. They wished they could think telepathically. Finally, they realized they had to come clean, explaining why they were there and the plan they wanted to take.

Different Area of the Home 

Different Area of the Home


The Reveal

The old man just looked at them. He tried to become angry, and he was upset. However, he knew he was partly to blame. Since he never told anyone about his reasons for keeping the car, he escalated the issue without meaning to do so. Now, it was his turn to come clean.

The Reveal

The Reveal


The Basement

John told the men that the vehicle was a window to let light and air into his secret and unlisted basement. It had been built before other residents moved in, so there were less strict laws that required no permit. However, what was his secret?!

The Basement

The Basement


Hiding the Basement

The old man explained that the basement held something very dear to him, which is why he never wanted to move. These three dads were engrossed in the story, so it took a minute to see that they were in front of a door, which led to the secret basement. John opened it for them!

Hiding the Basement

Hiding the Basement


The Lab

Overall, the dads were shocked when they saw a makeshift lab with testing materials and machines. They were so confused, but John explained that he used to be a chemist. He hoped to help others for free, building the lab to find cures for various illnesses without the corporations involved.

The Lab

The Lab


The Agreement

The men were stunned and hadn’t expected the night to end like that. However, they respected the old man now and promised to keep his secret and keep the other neighbors at bay. That way, John could continue the research without being disturbed anymore!

The Agreement

The Agreement