Everyone Was Staring
The man first looked at Stacy with a confused expression on his face, and he wasn’t the only one. Her yells were so loud that everyone on the street stopped to stare. Eric was uncomfortable with those people watching.

Everyone Was Staring
Stacy Walks Forward
Eric tried to pretend he wasn’t part of the situation, but Stacy wouldn’t let him get away with that easily. In fact, she marched right up to him, repeating her question while getting louder each time.

Stacy Walks Forward
Who He’s Dealing With
She kept yelling if he knew who she was, getting right up into his face to scream the words. In fact, she was trying to be as loud as possible so that he had no choice but to talk to her. Suddenly, he saw something!

Who He’s Dealing With
Not an Ordinary Woman
Eric’s eyes went wide when he realized who he had whistled at. This wasn’t your ordinary woman on the streets. Now, he was in a panic and was looking around for something. Finally, he spotted what he had feared.

Not an Ordinary Woman
Suited Men Approaching
He saw men in suits coming from all directions, and it was clear they were heading toward Stacy. The other people realized what was happening, so they moved out of the way to avoid what occurred next.

Suited Men Approaching
Not Moving
Stacy had squared up with Eric and wouldn’t back down. Though she stopped screaming, her eyes locked on his. She knew the men in suits were coming toward them and wanted them to take action. However, Eric wouldn’t wait.

Not Moving
Getting Away
He realized he had been wrong for whistling at the woman, but he wouldn’t face the consequences of those actions. He glanced around and noticed an alleyway with none of the men close by. He made a break for it!

Getting Away
Into the Alley
He ran away from Stacy and got into the alley. He heard her screaming at him, but he couldn’t make out what she’d said. Clearly, the suits were targeting him because they gave chase.

Into the Alley
Losing the Men
Eric had a head start and used it. The alley had many routes available, and he was pretty sure he could lose the men chasing after him. However, he decided to hide in a large trash can for an hour to be sure.

Losing the Men
No Risks
Eric got out of the trash can when he was sure the men were gone. He didn’t want to take a risk and knew he’d avoided them. However, he wasn’t out of trouble yet because the woman wouldn’t back down!

No Risks
Putting Up His Hood
Eric put his hood up to walk home. He decided it was wise to lay low for a while so that everything would blow over. It was a good plan, but he wouldn’t get that chance as he walked by an electronics shop.

Putting Up His Hood
His Photo on TV
The shop window had TVs, and Eric stopped in his tracks when he saw his photograph. He didn’t know she’d do something like that or why it had happened so fast, but there he was on the local news channel.

His Photo on TV
Her Influence
Eric wasn’t sure how the woman managed to do that, but clearly, she could command a great deal of influence. It didn’t surprise him, but he had no idea that a little whistle would get him into so much trouble.

Her Influence
No One Can See
The people around him were also looking at the screens and talking. He put up his hood more and walked away fast. In fact, he prayed he wouldn’t be recognized and that nobody would be willing to report him if they did see him.

No One Can See
Friends and Family
When Eric got home, he noticed his phone was blowing up. Everyone he knew had seen the television news and wanted to know what he’d done. Though they thought it was worse than it was, he didn’t wish to tell them.

Friends and Family
Hiding the Truth
If his family had learned he was doing disrespectful things like whistling at women walking, they’d never feel the same about him. However, they were bound to find out, and that wasn’t even the worst scenario possible.

Hiding the Truth
Must Speak to Stacy
If anyone reported to the woman who he was, she’d send the men in suits to pick him up again. He couldn’t hide forever, and he felt that his best chance was to take action now. He knew he had to talk to Stacy alone.

Must Speak to Stacy
How to Do It
He had no idea how to do that. He knew it wouldn’t be as simple as ringing a doorbell for such an influential woman. Plus, he probably wouldn’t bump into her on a walk, but then he got an idea.

How to Do It
An Appointment
Eric knew where Stacy worked; most people did. Therefore, he wondered if he could make an appointment with her. Now, he needed an excuse. In fact, she probably wouldn’t know his name, so he had the element of surprise.

An Appointment
A Good Excuse
Eric decided to tell Stacy he had a great pitch for an idea but wouldn’t elaborate over the phone. The reason was so that they couldn’t claim his thought as their own. However, it was a scam because he had nothing like that in mind.

A Good Excuse
Appointment for Tomorrow
Stacy’s assistant bought the story and set up a meeting for the pair. It couldn’t be today because Stacy wasn’t in a good mood, and Eric was sure he knew why. Therefore, they got it scheduled for tomorrow.

Appointment for Tomorrow
Face Mask
Wearing a hoodie with the hood up would raise suspicion, so he had to think of something better. The global pandemic would work to his advantage because he could wear a face mask; everyone accepted it, so there would be no issue.

Face Mask
Someone Called the Cops
The rest of the day was spent answering texts and calls from friends and family. He told them not to worry; everything would be sorted out tomorrow. However, some people had recognized Eric and called the cops and told them where he lived!

Someone Called the Cops
Getting Away
Eric only learned about that when someone knocked on his door. He peeked through the peephole and recognized the men in suits and knew he had to get away. He knew he had to get to Stacy and talk in private as soon as possible.

Getting Away
Not Hard
He slipped out the back door and got away from his house quickly. Plus, he knew the area well, so it wasn’t that difficult to lose the men in suits. Still, he had to live through the night outside of his home.

Not Hard
Risky Meeting
Eric realized that the meeting with Stacy would be a risk. She might know his name, and there could be men in suits waiting at her place of work. Hopefully, someone hadn’t been paying much attention, and he’d make it inside.

Risky Meeting
After getting a hotel room for the night, he realized he couldn’t get anything from his house because the men in suits might be there. Luckily, he took a face mask as he left, so he went straight to her building, but he was nervous!

Staying Hidden
He got inside the building with no problems, but he knew they’d seen his face on television the previous day. Therefore, he went upstairs quickly and kept his mask on. Soon, he was in her waiting room.

Staying Hidden
Two Others Waiting
Eric wasn’t the only one waiting; there were two others in the room. Both were wearing suits, and he wasn’t even presentable in jeans and a T-shirt. He hadn’t had time to change. Therefore, he wasn’t upset that the two men were eyeing him.

Two Others Waiting
She’s in Control
The two men were called in soon, so he only had to wait alone. Still, she might disregard him when she saw his clothes or call security to have them throw him out. Considering her position, no one would raise an eyebrow.

She’s in Control
Not in a Good Mood
Though the office door was closed, he heard a heated discussion. Soon, the doors opened, and the men looked disappointed when they left. One told him to watch out because Stacy wasn’t in a good mood.

Not in a Good Mood
In Too Deep
It was clear Stacy hadn’t forgotten about the incident from yesterday. He hadn’t expected it, but he worried about his meeting with her. He could still leave and just hide out until it all blew over. However, he couldn’t.

In Too Deep
Recognizing Eric
When Eric was called into the office, she was looking at her desk, writing things down. He nervously sat in front of her, and her eyes immediately went wide when she saw him. If she could kill with her eyes, he’d be dead!

Recognizing Eric
The Richest CEO
Eric had removed his mask when he walked into the office because he no longer had to hide his identity. He had gotten where he wanted to go. In fact, this was the office of a rich and powerful CEO for an important company in the city the city!

The Richest CEO
Doing Good for the City
Everyone in the city knew Stacy because she was a ruthless and brilliant businesswoman. In fact, her philanthropy had lifted the area from poverty because she had invested with local businesses. She was thought of as a hero.

Doing Good for the City
Nobody Crossed Her
Though she had done many great things, people also realized that they shouldn’t cross her. Stacy wouldn’t take crap from anyone, and she had a single focus when it came to work. In fact, she was full of herself.

Nobody Crossed Her
Fighting for Equality
One of her biggest fights was to ensure that women and men were treated equally. This went for her company, but she also focused on getting local laws passed to make it a reality. That’s why his whistling at her made her angry.

Fighting for Equality
Asking for Forgiveness
Before Stacy could call security, he begged to have a chance to explain and ask for forgiveness. Overall, he knew he’d made a mistake. The whistling was wrong, not just for her but for any woman.

Asking for Forgiveness
Making It Up to Her
Eric said it wasn’t the first time he’d whistled at a woman, but he’d never do it again and wanted to make it right. Eventually, they decided that he would volunteer at a local female shelter as punishment, and he did!

Making It Up to Her
Coming Clean
Eventually, he told his friends and family about his actions and why he was on the news. Because he had volunteered, he was a better person, and everyone forgave him.

Coming Clean