Mother Zebra’s Reaction Goes Viral After Witnessing Her Newborn Nearly Drown

Published on October 8, 2020

La Niña’s Support System

La Niña was considered to be very lucky to have this type of support. The father of the baby, Zambe, was by her side while she was in labor. Zambe was offering help to La Niña in the best way he knew how. The male zebra was seen communicating with her and hovering by her side.

La Niña’s Support System

La Niña’s Support System

Welcomed into the World

La Niña was reported to continue pushing even after collapsing to the floor out of utter exhaustion. Finally, La Niña’s hard work paid off, and she gave birth to a baby boy. The young foal seemed ready for action despite being fresh from the womb.

Welcomed Into The World

Welcomed Into The World