Mysterious Celebrity Disappearances That Have Yet To Be Explained

Published on August 1, 2021

Hart Crane

Hart Crane was an American Poet who was highly inspired by T.S. Eliot. He has been hailed as one of the great poets by playwrights, poets, and literary critics like Tennessee Williams and Harold Bloom. He was severely depressed and addicted to alcohol, most likely because he struggled with being homosexual at a time when it was not accepted. While on steamship Orizaba, witnesses say he jumped overboard and exclaimed “goodbye, everybody!” His body was never found and his tombstone reads: “Harold Crane Hart 1899-1932, lost at sea.”

Hart Crane

Hart Crane

Ian MacKintosh

Ian MacKintosh was a British Royal Navy officer who was also a screenwriter for British TV, and a thriller novel writer. In July 1979, he went flying with two other people over the Gulf of Alaska. The plane disappeared after sending out a distress signal, and all three passengers were ever seen again.

Ian MacKintosh

Ian MacKintosh