Everything You Never Knew About Redheads

Published on January 19, 2023

The First Redhead

There are many legends that tell the story of the first redheads, one of the most famous myths is of a prince called Idon of Mu. Legend says that he visited the city of Atlantis after running away from home, and he was immediately drawn to the red pigment that adorned the sky. His hair turned red, and then all of his descendants also had red hair.

The First Redhead

The First Redhead

A Strange Belief

For some reason, there are a lot of strange beliefs and myths around redheads, which could be explained by the fact that they are so rare. One of the more bizarre ones dates back to Medieval times, when people thought that children born with red hair were conceived while their mothers were menstruating. The thought was that the man’s body was contaminated by the blood and that the baby was then born with red hair. Of course, this myth has been totally debunked and it is funny for us to think that people believed that story.

A Strange Belief

A Strange Belief