Sam Elliott – His Story Is Truly Something Else

Published on July 5, 2018

Wearing The Mask

Perhaps one of Elliott’s most memorable roles was in Mask, where he played Cher’s biker boyfriend. However, few people know that this iconic role almost didn’t happened. Elliott got a call from his agent, telling him about the audition, while on his honeymoon in Hawaii. While he initially refused to leave his new bride, Katharine eventually convinced him to go.

Wearing The Mask

Wearing The Mask

Katharine’s Insistence

Elliott’s staunch insistence that he did not want to audition for Mask failed to convince Katharine. After he hung up on his agent, Katharine immediately called him back. She was able to convince her husband that this role represented a huge opportunity for him. Little did he know how right she was.

Katharines Insistence

Katharine’s Insistence