Sam Elliott – His Story Is Truly Something Else

Published on July 5, 2018

Smokey Bear

An uptick in forest fires spurred the U. S. Forest Service to create a campaign to raise awareness about fire safety. They worked with the American Ad Council in search of a voice over actor. They wanted their message to be sound, friendly, inviting, and most importantly, informative. Who better for the job than Sam Elliott?

Smokey Bear

Smokey Bear

Critical Of Himself

You’d think that public adoration and financial success would lead to a general sense of ease and a positive image of self-worth. But sometimes the opposite can be true. In an interview with IMDB, Elliott said that, “I think I might have been a more interesting actor, had more of a career earlier on if I had more formal preparation. When I see something ten years later that I was in I think, ‘Boy, would I love to do that over.’”

Critical Of Himself

Critical Of Himself