Sam Elliott – His Story Is Truly Something Else

Published on July 5, 2018

His Favorite Role

With such a reputation and so many offers to choose one, you would think picking a role would constitute a difficult decision. In his interview with BUILD, Elliott said, “I think what I remember most about films are the people rather than the films themselves. I don’t think it will ever get any better than it was on this film [The Hero]. You know, this was on all sides of the camera, it was labor of love for a lot of people.”

His Favorite Role

His Favorite Role

One For One

When Elliott appeared in The Hero, it instantly became thought of as one of his best roles to date. He played the part of Lee Hayden to perfection, which is no surprise considering the director, Brett Hayley, wrote the part specifically for Elliott. Elliott said, “I was totally flattered that he [Haley] and Marc would take the time to write an entire screenplay for me. I’ve had a few parts written for me over the years, but I’ve never had a screenplay written for me.”

One For One

One For One