Sam Elliott – His Story Is Truly Something Else

Published on July 5, 2018

Wendell Berry And Sam Elliott

A huge fan of Wendell Berry’s writing, Elliott has said that he’d love to have dinner with him. When Berry heard, he was ecstatic. He said, “Well, my God, I’ll build a truck, and then I’ll drive the truck to ferry him to dinner at the table of his choosing. I would walk a very long mile to share a sleeve of Saltines with Sam, let alone a plate of steak.”

Wendell Berry And Sam Elliott

Wendell Berry And Sam Elliott

Why Movies

Actors have different motivations for getting involved in the industry. When asked what sparked his interest, Elliott said, “Going to too many movies when I was growing up, basically. I just got fascinated by it early on. And it wasn’t like I wanted to be a legitimate actor, a real actor. I wanted to make movies. Consequently, I didn’t study, really. I did some. I did a lot of stuff all the way through school. But I just got bit by wanting to do films, and I had tunnel vision about it.”

Why Movies

Why Movies