These WWE Superstars Have the Highest Net Worth Amounts Ever

Published on May 31, 2023

Pedro Aguayo – $9 Million

Pedro is called Perro on stage and started in the 1970s. He also enjoyed the Lucha Libra fighting style and became one of the biggest stars because of it. However, he also used the brawler style and tried overpowering his opponents whenever he could.

Pedro Aguayo - $9 Million

Pedro Aguayo – $9 Million

Big Van Vader – $9 Million

Leon Allen White weighed 456 pounds and was 6’4″ tall, but Big Van Vader could also pull over aerial moves with ease. The Diving Moonsault was his signature move. He used to be a football player and turned to wrestling in 1985.

Big Van Vader - $9 Million

Big Van Vader – $9 Million