Russia: Facts Hardly Anyone Knows, Obviously

Published on December 20, 2017

Want A Pepsi?

During the “Kitchen Debate” of 1959 when vice President Nixon met with Premiere Nikita Khrushchev in Russia, something great happened. At the time soft drinks didn’t exist in the Soviet Union so when Nixon shared a Pepsi with Khrushchev, they didn’t realize what an impact it would have. Today Pepsi’s has its second largest market share in Russia. See what sharing can do?

Want A Pepsi

Want A Pepsi?

“How Are You?”

Why couldn’t Westerners make it in Russia? Well it could be (just maybe) because of a simple question and a not-so-simple answer. When we ask each-other “How are you?” we usually reply with one word like, “good”, “great”. In Russia when you ask someone how they are, they will answer you with a full detailed answer. Answering briefly is actually quite rude according to the Russians.

How Are You

“How Are You?”