Charles Manson: The Mysterious Story Of Helter Skelter

Published on November 22, 2017

The First Murder

On the evening of August 9th, 1969, Manson sent a group led by Charles “Tex” Watson to 10050 Cielo Drive. Manson didn’t know who was living in the house, but he guessed it was someone of the Hollywood elite. He wasn’t wrong – filmmaker Roman Polanski and his pregnant wife, Sharon Tate were renting the house. The group gained access to the house and killed the couple as well as four guests. Upon leaving the house, they drew the “Black Panther’s” logo on the wall.

The First Murder

The First Murder

The Second Murder

The following night, Manson himself led the same women and men to a new murder site. He added two young recruits to their numbers as they headed to the home of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. The couple was very wealthy, but had no connection to Hollywood as Manson had wished. After violently killing the couple, the group wrote messages on the walls and wrote the chilling words, “Helter Skelter”.

The Second Murder

The Second Murder