Charles Manson: The Mysterious Story Of Helter Skelter

Published on November 22, 2017

“Helter Skelter”

Manson was convinced that The Beatles were actually prophets who were trying to send a message to the world. The message of “Helter Skelter” was to warn everyone that the world would be taken over by the black race. His racist notion further suggested that after killing all white people, they wouldn’t know how to control the world and would search for any white survivors. The survivors would be the Manson family, and their leader was him, Charles Manson. He believed that he would become the Messiah of the post-“Helter Skelter” world.

Helter Skelter

“Helter Skelter”

Starting The War

African-Americans had set up a self-defense organization called the “Black Panthers” in Oakland, California. The group’s job was to protect black communities from police brutality – Manson happened to hate this group. He felt that committing crimes under the guise of the “Black Panther” group would fuel the fire that would eventually start “Helter Skelter”. He would start a race war this way.

Starting The War

Starting The War