15+ Costumes Mistakes In Major Films

Published on June 26, 2017

Saving Private Ryan: The Case Of The Black Boots

The bigger you were, the harder you cried at this epic war thriller and action film that has been called the greatest war film of all time. Even so, there were a few little hiccups when making the scene seem real, such as the black boots Matt Damon can be seen wearing through out the film and especially in the final town battle for the bridge. Black boots for the airborne were only to be introduced in the fifties.

Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan

Catch Me If You Can: Braces Didn’t Exist Yet

Tom Hanks, Leo, and Amy Adams all starred in the fun film that took place in the 60’s and followed an ambitious swindler and fraud artist through his years of shenanigans. The spot were we had to call “gotcha” was when Amy appears wearing braces that were used in 1970’s, a little later than when the movie is set in.

Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can