15+ Costumes Mistakes In Major Films

Published on June 26, 2017

The Tudors: Wearing Ruffs Is Scandalous

When delving into the older periodical films, it is quite difficult to catch every period detail such as that of the ruffs worn around the necks of the women in the film. Worn without an undershirt at the time was not a specific fashion statement but rather considered inappropriate or even scandalous for 1500’s.

The Tudors

The Tudors

Good Night and Good Luck: Name Tags Equal Nope

A mistake about name tags caused this great movie to make it’s way onto our list. The film takes place in the 1950’s and tells the story of a conflict between a reporter and senator and involves some rather casually dressed military officers wearing name tags that were only introduced in the late sixties.

Good Night And Good Luck

Good Night And Good Luck