A Not-So-Healthy Twist On Popular Breakfast Foods

Published on January 18, 2016

Breakfast Bars

Breakfast bars, which range from ‘cereal bars’ all the way to ‘healthy nutritional bars’. The sugar to fiber ratio in (majority) of breakfast bars is discouraging, as the high sugar levels surpass the fiber levels by far.

Look for these breakfast bars instead: Kashi and/or Kind bars.

Breakfast Bars

Breakfast Bars

Processed Meat

Are you the kind of person that likes to load up some bacon or sliced ham onto a muffin in the morning? While we agree that a breakfast sandwich with processed meat sounds good, it really is anything but. Processed meats are filled with nitrates and preservatives which both lead to an increased risk of potential cancer later on in your life.

Opt for these protein-based foods instead: eggs, cottage cheese, or mixed nuts.

Processed Meat

Processed Meat