Weight Loss Program Fails: Strangest Death-Row “Last Meal” Requests

Published on October 25, 2017

Bread and Wine

Jonathan Nobles was not necessarily a religious man before he made his way into prison, but he did have a religious request for his last meal. He asked for the “Eucharist” – it is the Christian ceremony commemorating the “Last Supper”, when bread and wine are consecrated and consumed. His own version of the “Last Supper” was kept in tradition with wine and bread.

Bread And Wine

Bread And Wine

A Bag Of Chips

It’s no surprise that some death-row inmates don’t have an appetite when it comes time for them to order their last meal. One clear example of this, is Wanda Jean Allen, who chose to ask for just a bag of chips.

Wanda Jean Allen

A Bag Of Chips