Weight Loss Program Fails: Strangest Death-Row “Last Meal” Requests

Published on October 25, 2017

Lump of Dirt

James Edward Smith really wanted to get something unique for his final meal. He asked for a lump of dirt that was supposed to be used for some voodoo ritual. As you guessed, the request was turned down and no voodoo ritual took place. What he did eat was some yogurt – a small adjustment to his original meal idea and maybe a tip for a decent weight loss program.

Lump Of Dirt

Lump Of Dirt

Birthday Cake

“Live everyday as if it’s your birthday.” Miguel Richardson lived by this ideology well into his final hours. For his last meal, he requested: A chocolate birthday cake with “2/23/90” written on top, seven pink candles, one coconut, kiwi fruit juice, pineapple juice, one mango, grapes, lettuce, cottage cheese, peaches, one banana, one delicious apple, a chef’s salad without meat and with a thousand-island dressing, fruit salad, cheese, and tomato slices.

Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake