Weight Loss Program Fails: Strangest Death-Row “Last Meal” Requests

Published on October 25, 2017

Jolly Ranchers

Gerald Lee Mitchell has made one of the most outrageous and questionable last meal requests out of all. He asked for a bag of jolly rogers before being sent to the next world. Too many sweets might not just be bad for a weight loss program, but what about your teeth?

Gerald Lee Mitchell

Jolly Ranchers

12 Chocolate Bars

Similar to the sweet tooth of Gerald Lee Mitchell, Dobie Gillis Williams asked for something rather sweet for his last meal. He requested 12 chocolate bars and a bowl of ice-cream. Before his execution, he said: “I just want to say, I don’t have any hard feelings against anybody. God bless y’all. God bless.”

Dobie Gills Williams

12 Chocolate Bars