Weight Loss Program Fails: Strangest Death-Row “Last Meal” Requests

Published on October 25, 2017

Pizza Without A Fuss

Barton Kay Kirkham was one of the strangest inmates ever seen on death row. Regardless, he had an appetite when it came to his last meal, but nothing too peculiar. He requested pizza and ice-cream, and told the prison steward that “you get cheese, meat and everything in one meal. Not so much fuss.”

Barton Kay Kirkham

Pizza Without A Fuss

Spaghetti And Cyanide

Well first of all, did you know that Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian? And minutes before taking his own life, he still wanted something meat-free. No, not the cyanide. Instead he ate spaghetti with a light sauce, easing the end of a dark life.


Spaghetti And Cyanide