The Deadliest Snakes in the World

Published on November 23, 2017

Green mambas

I’ll be the first to admit, this snake is kinda cute, until I learned that there are three kinds of green mambas in the world and they are all highly venomous, aggressive, and unpredictable. The three kinds include Western, Eastern, and Jameson. Additionally, all three are highly arboreal, alert, lightning quick, and agile. Plus their venom is more rapid-acting and the dendrotoxins are much more devastating to the central nervous system. Peachy. Oh no, it isn’t!

Green Mambas

Green Mambas

South American bushmaster

These snakes are the longest venomous snake in the Western Hemisphere, such as South America and forests east of the Andes. Always remember that they are large, fast, and will turn aggressive when cornered.

South American Bushmaster

South American Bushmaster