The Deadliest Snakes in the World

Published on November 23, 2017

Sharp-nosed pit viper

The freaky looking Sharp-nosed pit viper is especially dangerous, and fatalities from bites are not unusual. Their venom is a potent hemotoxin that is strongly hemorrhagic, symptoms include severe local pain and bleeding which may begin almost immediately. There is an antivenom.

Sharp Nosed Pit Viper

Sharp Nosed Pit Viper

Beaked sea snake

This snake has quite the amount of names but it still makes it scary as heck, let’s see, we have the hook-nosed sea snake, common sea snake, or the Valakadyn sea snake. This particular snake is a highly venomous species of the sea snake that is common throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. It causes more than 50% of all bites that are caused by sea snakes, as well most of the envenomings and fatalities. I’m overjoyed with this news, oh wait.

Beaked Sea Snake

Beaked Sea Snake