Everything You Need To Know About Shopping At Costco

Published on December 29, 2019

Aisles That Aren’t Labeled

Have you ever wondered why there are no labels or numbered aisles while you’re strolling through Costco? There’s a good reason for that. Aisles that aren’t labeled encourage customers to shop around and see more products than they typically would. That’s also the same reason why the store’s most popular products are located in the back of the store.

Aisles That Aren't Labeled

Aisles That Aren’t Labeled

Consistently Cheap Hot Dogs & Rotisserie Chicken

The prices for Costco’s Rotisserie chicken (coming in at $4.99) and its hot dog and drink combo (an astonishing $1.50) are consistently priced at the same affordable price. This is because they are considered “loss leaders,” which means that while customers head towards to the back of the store to pick up a rotisserie chicken, they’re more likely to be enticed by other, more expensive products such as flatscreen TVs.

Consistently Cheap Hot Dogs & Rotisserie Chicken

Consistently Cheap Hot Dogs & Rotisserie Chicken