Everything You Need To Know About Shopping At Costco

Published on December 29, 2019

No Costco Advertisements

Have you ever noticed that Costco doesn’t really advertise anywhere? The reason behind this is the fact that they don’t really need to. In 2017, 90% of Costco members renewed their memberships and new memberships grew by 3%. The company can count on membership fees as revenue and save a ton of money that would have otherwise been spent on advertising.

No Costco Advertisements

No Costco Advertisements

Why They Check Receipts

We’ve all gone through it: you’re heading out of Costco and you’re stopped so that a clerk can check your receipt before you leave the store. One reason Costco does this is for inventory control, as they want to make sure cashiers have properly scanned all the items you purchased. Secondly, this is done to ensure that you have no been over or undercharged for items.

Why They Check Receipts

Why They Check Receipts