All The Different Uses For WD40 Every Person Needs To Know About

Published on October 7, 2021

Clean Fake Plants

If you don’t have a green thumb, you can fake it till you make it by getting some fake plants to brighten up your home. Since they are fake, they’ll need to be cleaned every once in a while. You can actually use WD40 to help keep your fake plants looking shiny and brand new.

Clean Fake Plants

Clean Fake Plants

Remove Ink Stains

We know that ink stains are some of the toughest stains to deal with. While many times it is too late to save the shirt, you can try using WD40 as a last chance to try to remove the tough stain. Spray some on next time you find a stain that seems impossible to get out.

Remove Ink Stains

Remove Ink Stains