All The Different Uses For WD40 Every Person Needs To Know About

Published on October 7, 2021

Clean Unwanted Dog Waste

Taking a walk in the great outdoors can be super fun and relaxing, but something that can totally ruin that experience in stepping a smelly pile of dog poo. Luckily, you can use our trusty WD40 to help wipe away the gross mess. Of course, it’s best to try to watch your step and avoiding stepping in it at all.

Clean Unwanted Dog Waste

Clean Unwanted Dog Waste

Clean Brushes

We can sometimes forget that the items we use to keep ourselves cleaned and groomed need to be cleaned themselves. Let’s ask you now: when was the last time you clean any brushes or combs? Spray a bit of WD40 directly on them and then soak in water. Rinse them off and let them dry, and you’ll thank us next time you use the brushes.

Clean Brushes

Clean Brushes